Apple MacBook Air wholesale | AVK GROUP

Apple MacBook Air from Hong Kong

Apple MacBook Air is a gadget with all needs you can have. It's great because of it's density, lightness, strength and perfect productivity. The weight of the devise is 1350 g., and the size is 1,7х32,5х22,7 sm. The body is metal.

It has Intel Core i5 chipset under the front panels, which is characterized by the high level of productivity. It is powered by the brand OS of the Apple company. For this devise`s model High Sierra version was chosen.

The keyboard is full-sized. It has LED-highlight for the convenience of working in the darkness. Screen`s diameter is 13,3 inches.

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Class 'Bitrix\Main\Update\UserSelectorStepper' not found (0)
/home/markn56wupo2/public_html/bitrix/modules/main/classes/mysql/agent.php(163) : eval()'d code:1
#0: eval
#1: CAgent::ExecuteAgents()
#2: CAgent::CheckAgents()
#3: call_user_func_array(array, array)
#4: Bitrix\Main\Application->runBackgroundJobs()
#5: Bitrix\Main\Application->terminate(integer)
#6: Bitrix\Main\Application->end()
#7: CAllMain::FinalActions(string)
#8: require(string)
#9: require_once(string)
#10: require(string)
#11: include_once(string)
#12: include_once(string)